Providing liquidity and/or trading on Ref Finance do not come without risks. Before interacting with the protocol, please do research and understand the risks involved.
Ref Finance smart contracts have been audited.
Security audits do not eliminate risks completely. Please do not supply your life savings, or assets you cannot afford to lose, to Ref Finance, especially as a liquidity provider.The following risks may have an impact in the liquidity pools:
- Smart contract issues with lending protocols
- Smart contracts issues with staking protocols
- Systemic issues with the stablecoins in those pools
- Systemic issues with ERC20-native tokens in those pools
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Ref Finance integrates third-party wallets.
While we have taken measures to select wallet providers, we cannot guarantee their security or performance. You should familiarize yourself with the risks associated with the specific wallet provider and understand their terms of service, privacy policy, and security practices.
Please use these services at your own risk and exercise caution.